Centro Professionale Sociosanitario Lugano, 2018
Felix Bachmann Quadros shares his experience
VR Research
New creative scenarios, narrative composition through live virtual reality immersions set to “performance” level of experience. Evolving interface, hardware and distinct stage setups. Praxis to theory : performances through key studies and storyline scenarios (behavioural, movement, psychological analysis) collaborative and constructive dynamics, towards publications.
Virtual Immersion Performances are directed live immersive experiences that allow a user to access a heightened creative availability, provide for a multiplicity of relationships to unfold, and evoque a story.​
research structure by Felix Bachmann Quadros
background image still from VR and augmented reality initiation for schools, "Nouvelles de Futur", at blueFACTORY Fribourg, Culture & Ecole 2018.
Conception of immersive experiences has developed towards an analytical and theoretical framework, relating audiovisual imagery to narrative structures and layered performance levels of participation. Placing a user on a performative level of experience allows fo a heightened availability and access to personal and intimate worlds. A connection between an internal intimacy of creation and an outward expression happens, a loosening of the individual “I” identity.
A user is introduced to the stage and as immersion begins a story unfolds. Time and geography becomes attached to internal imagination, expression allows for an individual experience to become a shared one through live projection of immersive worlds and staging.