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choreography : Manuela Bernasconi & dancers.

dramaturgy: Felix Bachmann Quadros.

dancers 2018: Pauline de Laet, Dmitro Grynov, Johanna Willig Rosenstein, Arnaud Blondel.

dancers 2021 / 2022 / 2023: Manuela Bachmann Bernasconi, Lena Sophia Bagutti.

music: Julien Painot.

voice: Baptiste Janon.

Production: Xocolat / Motoperpetuo 2018/ Xocolat 2021.

support: ​l’Etat de Fribourg, Direction de la santé et des affaires sociales, Direction de l’instruction publique et de la culture et le Service des bâtiments, la Loterie Romande, le Canton du Tessin, département de la Culture, SWISSLOS, la Ville de Lugano.

Fondation Ernst Göhner, la Fondazione Federica Spitzer.

Banca dello Stato del Canton Ticino.


Contemporary Dance Performance.
Do you play?

Put yourself off balance, feel a bit of vertigo, slide, tap.

A childhood memory comes to life.


A performance for the whole family.


+ dossier pedagogique

Longlake Lugano 2023

Culture & École Fribourg 2022

video edited by Felix Bachmann Quadros
background image by Felix B.Q.

xocolat works towards co-operation production and exchange
to reflect the changing environment in process 
transformative social and artistic dynamics

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