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Festival HASARD is a space for artistic exchange, critical dialogue, inter-disciplinary creation and evolving format since its inception and first edition mid 2020.


The name of the festival HASARD (french for "chance") is not casual. 

Chance and free will are in constant exchange in our conditioned everyday reality. 

In confrontation to a world increasingly dominated by AI, hard data, chance is a factor of vitality.

Chance leads to synchronicity, synchronicity happens through chance. Choice, complexity, evolution.

It is an empowering act. 

It provokes regarding of the self and an access to the abundance of the dreamworld, our reveries. 


Each edition of festival HASARD is unique in form, artistic intellectual stimuli, and creative residence.

During Covid 19 festival HASARD 1, 2 and 3 paid out over 150 cachets for artists and technicians. 


First edition out of pandemia HASARD4 provided deep understanding into themes such as synchronicity, natural medicine, zombi trees, intelligence in natura, physics, time and matter, biology and anthropology, hypnosis, and states of consciousness, the oracular, I Ching, tao te ting, and tarot.


HASARD4 online:


As writer Annick de Souzenelle explains:

"Chance is but reality unrecognized, the reality of the ontological laws linking the archetypes with the manifest world".


HASARD4 / Fri-Son

Live arts, conferences, dialogues, workshops, concerts, performances, cinema, parties. Robotics, rituals, plants, ecology, time, matter, synchronicities. A heightened frequency, a churning feeling, a foxy crowd, friends: audience! Dare to exchange, experiment, find, irreverently create. Be freak, hip, punk, whatever makes you tick. We are all visionary souls.


First edition out of pandemia HASARD4 provided deep understanding into themes such as synchronicity, natural medicine, physics, time and matter, biology and anthropology, hypnosis, and states of consciousness, the oracular, I Ching, tao te ting, and tarot.


See more:

Masterclass / Cyrille Javary

"La raison du hasard dans le Yi Jing et l'esprit chinois"

Selection from HASARD4

Dance / Firestarter

with Zoe Maria Olga Gyssler Anna Rose Alison Adnet

special participation India Bachmann Anais Scherrer

Selection from HASARD4


HASARD3 / Teatro Virtual

40 performances, 12 days, 4 camera interpretation, interactive, dance, music, theatre, new circus, sound installations, performance, percussion, space sound, 1 on 1, movement classes, and more.

Set to the tone of a full deployment of technical tour de force for a live interactive streaming approach (February 2021), HASARD 3 provided a scene for artists from all over Europe.

HASARD2 / Fribourg Connection Ticino

A hybrid proposal (launched due to Covid 19 restrictions December 2020) with the same curatorial dynamics as HASARD 1, but tailored specifically to artists, musicians, dancers, theatre practitioners, and performers from Fribourg and Ticino, Switzerland.

HASARD 2 provided for a full interactive streaming device to be set up, and the profuse encounter of artists back on the scene and their audience.



A a pop-up festival opened during July 2020.

The program for the festival did not follow a curatorial line: all interested artists could participate and their diversity or quantity determined the dynamics to be implemented.


HASARD is a catalyst, a space for art to develop in its natural process. No target audience. It is up to the viewer to target according to her or his taste and to access the unexpected.   

xocolat works towards co-operation production and exchange
to reflect the changing environment in process 
transformative social and artistic dynamics

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